Information about me
Syntynyt 1996 Turussa.
Olen valmistunut 2021 taiteiden maisteriksi.
Teollisen muotoilun opintojen aikana olen opiskellut tuotemuotoilua, palvelumuotoilua, vuorovaikutussuunnittelua sekä konseptisuunnittelua.
Vahvuuteni ja mielenkiintoni alallani on visuaalisessa ja graafisessa suunnittelussa, UX- ja UI-suunnittelussa sekä palvelumuotoilussa.
Töitä olen tehnyt kesäisin jo 15 vuotiaasta lähtien ja koen olevani luotettava, ahkera, nopeasti oppiva sekä itsenäinen työssäni.
Illustrator ⭐x5
InDesign ⭐x3
Photoshop ⭐x5
Lightroom Classic ⭐x5
Premiere Pro ⭐x4
Animate ⭐x3
After Effect ⭐x2
Canva ⭐x3
Mailchimp ⭐x2
Graafinen suunnittelu ⭐x5
Asiakaslähtöisyys ⭐x5
Käyttäjälähtöisyys ⭐x5
Web Design
XD ⭐x5
Figma ⭐x4
Wix ⭐x4
WordPress ⭐x3
ThingLink ⭐x4
UX Design ⭐x4
HTML ⭐x1
CSS ⭐x1
Blender ⭐x4
Rhinoceros ⭐x3
Creo ⭐x2
FreeCAD ⭐x3
Keyshot ⭐x1
Office ohjelmat ⭐x5
SAP HR ⭐x3
Sosiaali Effica ⭐x3
Personec F ⭐x3
Suullinen ja kirjallinen: Ammatillinen pätevyys
Suullinen ja kirjallinen: Ammatillinen pätevyys
Ruotsi(toinen kotimainen kieli):
Suullinen ja kirjallinen: Hyvä
Suullinen ja kirjallinen: erittäin hyvä
Suullinen ja kirjallinen: erittäin hyvä
Lapin Yliopisto
2018 - 2021
Valmistuin taiteiden maisteriksi tammikuussa 2021
Pääaine: Teollinen muotoilu
Lapin Yliopisto
2015 - 2018
Valmistuin taiteiden kandidaatiksi elokuussa 2018
Pääaine: Teollinen muotoilu
Sivuaine: Design management ja palvelumuotoilu.
Luostarivuoren lukio
2012 - 2015
Valmistunut ylioppilaaksi 30.5.2015
Jää- ja lumenveisto koulutus
STS-kielikurssi Los Angelesissa, 3 vk
kesä 2014
STS-kielikurssi Malta, 2vk
kesä 2013
Work experience
Class teacher, TAI
I have been a part of different projects mainly doing digital graphic design from posters to interactive photos and videos. As my main title suggests, I also teach subjects in media studies and have done some sustainable development teaching. Right now, I am also working as a communications assistant in Taitaja2025 event.
Digitaalinen suunnittelija / konsultti, FiUp Oy
Tehtäväni sisälsivät nettisivujen päivittämistä, ja muut tähän liittyvät tehtävät, sekä toimistotöitä.
Marketing/brand specialist, Bioname Oy
I did marketing planning for the company and developed the company's brand look. The goal of the employment was to create a marketing plan for the company, update the company's website, create graphic guidelines for the company and create other materials useful for the company's communication.
The employment relationship was implemented as part of Rekryovi Oy's BUSINESS project recruitment training.
Find out more from my graphic design and UX and service design portfolios
Project worker, City of Turku, Workpoint
I did HR tasks and interior design, such as creating employment contracts with the SAP Hr program and other contract-related tasks. On the interior design side, I planned the layout of sound panels for one office. In addition, starting at the turn of the year, I was working at the ED Design design office in Turku through my employment with the City of Turku.
Video editing, Mesekon Oy
I edited a 40-second LinkedIn video from the company's own video clips and pictures. Find out more about this from my video editing portfolio
Designer, Luvattumaa Levi Ice Gallery
13.12.2020 - 17.12.2020
I designed and implemented 3 larger snow reliefs for the snow castle as a seasonal employee.
You can see my work from my snow and ice portfolio.
rush assistant, Finnish personnel house
7/7/2020 - 10/7/2020
I spent a little over week in yard work during the month of July and a month as a cleaner starting in September.
Designer, Luvattumaa Levi Ice Gallery
4.11.2019 - 22.12.2019
I designed and implemented several snow reliefs for the snow castle as a seasonal worker.
You can see my work from my snow and ice portfolio.
Project worker, Mesekon Oy
10.6.2019 - 15.6.2019
I designed a party invitation for a company event.
Designer, Luvattumaa Levi Ice Gallery
26.11.2018 - 21.12.2018
I designed and implemented several snow reliefs and one ice bed for a snow castle as a seasonal employee.
You can see my work from my snow and ice portfolio.
Project worker, Mesekon Oy
Image editing for marketing materials.
Wedding invitation design
9/8/2017 - 25/4/2018
I designed the wedding invitation they wanted for my friend's wedding, using the agreed picture as a basis, from which I drew a neat version on the machine and added the desired elements that were missing from the picture. Designing the invitation also included designing a logo-like icon from the letters of their first names, which was also used in other material. I did the work from design all the way to printing and I dealt with the printer so that we could get the gold decorations the couple wanted for the invitations.
You can see photos of this invite at my graphic design poertfolio
Incomprehensibly? organizing the exhibition as part of the ADW18 event
18.9.2017 - 27.4.2018
Planning and organizing a three-week exhibition as part of studies. A group of 9 students and 2 supervising teachers were responsible for the design. The marketing of the project works as the equivalent. The exhibition was organized as part of the annual Arctic Design Week event and the exhibition was open for three weeks.
Designer, Luvattumaa Levi Ice Gallery
28.11.2017 - 21.12.2017
I designed and implemented the decorations and the ice board for the 8 rooms of the snow castle. In addition, five other jobs for the corridors and connecting one job to another. The jobs were seasonal.
You can see my work from my snow and ice portfolio.
Exhibition work in the Arctic aesthetics exhibition at the ADW17 event
Two different lamps, Kuura and Railo. The lamps were made using different techniques, and they tried to use plastic packaging as materials. The work was carried out together with a student friend.
Trainee, Luvattumaa Levi Ice Gallery
10.12.2016 - 29.12.2016
I planned and implemented the snow castle decorations for 5 rooms. In addition, one job for the corridor. The jobs were seasonal.
You can see my work from my snow and ice portfolio.
Summer employee, Mesekon Oy
Painting and weed poisoning.
Summer employee, Mesekon Oy
24.4.2014 - 8.5.2014
Poisoning weeds and watering plants.
Summer employee, Mesekon Oy
3.6.2013 - 1.7.2013
In addition to yard area maintenance, archiving.
Tet trainee, Salonen Leipomo Oy
November 2011
Five days training. Working with the belt, packaging and sorting the packaging.
Summer employee, Mesekon Oy
Summer 2011 and summer 2012
Yard area maintenance.